How Singing Actually Makes you Happier…
By Alanna Deutrom
Recently I’ve become more aware of the positive impact singing has on my students. Not only do they feel that all-important sense of accomplishment with the setting of both long-term and short-term goals but they seem to leave genuinely happier than when they entered. Maybe that’s why I love my job so much! But then it led me to the question, what is the psychology behind singing? And are there benefits to singing, even for the non-singer?
Here’s what I found…
1) Singing Releases Endorphins:
Singing is similar to exercising (except you don’t have to get sweaty). Singing releases endorphins that trigger a positive feeling in your body. No wonder everyone bounces out of class and I don’t stop smiling.
2) Heightens States of Pleasure, Connection, Love and Joy.
Oxytocin is one of the interesting endorphins we release when we sing. It’s the “love hormone” and this is why most musicians feel so connected to those they sing with. Releasing oxytocin is the same feeling as hugging or kissing a loved one. So if you’re after a little more connection in your life – try singing! In particular, try a group singing lesson.
3) It Recharges The Right Side Of Your Brain:
Most of us spend majority of our day analysing, and using logic. Singing switches on the left side of our brain and allows us to be more in tune with our emotions, intuition and creativity. Try using music to give yourself a break from the books, and you’ll find yourself getting inspired and motivated in other areas of your life.
4) Improves Your Posture!
Special bonds with special students. Molly Ash
How many of us are slumped over our computer screen? Looking down at our phones? Have back issues? Singing focuses mostly on our breathing and when done correctly, students tend to see an improvement in their posture. I can’t tell you the amount of times I have told students to stand up straight!
TIP: Try standing with your spine straight against a wall and focus on deep breathing from your belly.
5) Relieves Depression
Music has been used for hundred of years as a way to heal our bodies, and allow us to express how we feel. Sometimes it’s difficult to put into words exactly what is going on in our bodies and our lives. Music gives us the chance to express our feelings when words just won’t do. We run an inter-school program that focuses on the benefit of music on our mental health → check it out.
TIP: We usually feel anxiety in our stomachs, chest or throat. If one of these points resonates with you try closing your eyes, singing a song that gets your emotions flowing and choose a trigger area. Imagine your mouth is where that pain is and envision yourself releasing all of those negative feelings through music. Trust me – it works.
Student Caity Leong
My conclusion is that no matter your age, gender or talent, singing should be a part of all of our lives. Even if it’s just rolling the windows down and belting out a tune, the list of benefits to be gained doesn’t necessarily require getting on stage, (although that’s great for your confidence too!). Singing has so many hidden benefits too that it seems almost silly we shouldn’t all be singing on a daily basis!
If you have always wanted to start singing lesson but didn’t know where to start give us a call or email We are here to help from beginner to advanced.
Want more info on our Sing It Out Tour ---> Click Here.
Sing it out, is a state-wide initiative to support mental health in youth through music. As a proud supporter of beyondblue, Coach Music Academy is reaching thousands of youth across Victoria to inspire, encourage and equip them with the tools they need to improve their mental health.