So You Want To Play More Gigs? She's played 172 Gigs This Year and Counting...

Singing Lesson Frankston

Kye is killing it. She is currently a full time musician on tour with Nathaniel Willemse, Sing It Out and setting herself up for 2018 releases. To support her passion for music she gigs, ALOT! And this hard work is paying off. We asked her how she does it all, what her top advice is for young musicians, and what we should expect next from the Melbourne Indi artist. 

Kylie you are on tour with our Sing It Out shows, touring with Nathaniel Willemse, plus recording new music. Tell us all about your 2017 success?

2017 has been a whirlwind year! I definitely set out to kick some major goals this year - two of which were touring and recording some new material. I did a lot of self-exploration and experimentation with sound. This year was really about finding out who I am as an artist and all the searching has definitely paid off. Both the Sing It Out and Let's Get It On Tour with Nathaniel have been incredible so far. I've gotten to perform in front of some of the biggest crowds in my career thus far. I'm excited for 2018! I'll be doing some more touring and will be releasing some of that music I've been working on.

Kye @ Voice Fest 2017 (c) @_afrozack

Kye @ Voice Fest 2017 (c) @_afrozack

As an Independent artist what keeps you motivated?

I've been working independently for 3 years now. It's been difficult at times to be my own manager/PR etc but it keeps me on my toes and I'm always learning. I think what keeps me motivated is that there is so much that I'm still figuring out about the music industry and I get such a rush when I develop a new skill or make a new industry contact. It really propels you forward when you know there's so much out there to learn and experience in the industry.

How many gigs have you done this year and what advice would you give to musicians looking for opportunities to get performing?

I've done 172 gigs already this year - with the busiest 2 months of the year ahead I'm definitely hoping to hit my goal of 200 this year.
My advice would be firstly to just start somewhere. It doesn't have to be the most high-profile gig or a large crowd! If you can just find somewhere to put your foot in the door, go for it! Secondly, don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Get on the phones, send emails, turn up to venues in person and really sell yourself!

How do you maintain your vocal health?

REST. Your voice and body will definitely tell you when it's time to take a break. Don't ignore it! Being so busy, I've tried to just block it out and do my gigs but then won't have any voice for a week. So, rest is so important! Remember that no gig is more important than your vocal health. A gig is one night, your voice should last you a lifetime!!

What should we expect from Kye in 2018?

Keep an eye out for brand new music, new stories, new sounds! And maybe some sneaky music videos! ;)


Stay Up To Date --> @GETITKYE


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