Belynda Monro Talks Landing The Lead Female Role...

Belynda Monro

With her blonde hair, stunning voice and girl next door charm, Belynda Monro is perfectly cast as Sandy from Grease in her High School Production, and we couldn't be prouder! Belynda has been a long time student of Coach Music Academy and we wanted to celebrate her success. After all, it’s not everyday you get the lead role!

Hey Belynda, how long have you been singing and performing for?

I started singing in 2011 and I've had singing lessons with Alanna Deutrom since 2013. I started performing live then and haven't stopped. Some of my biggest highlights have been performing in shows such as, Fame! and The Wizard of Oz.

Tell us a little bit about the process of getting the lead role in a show?

Getting to play 'Sandy' has always been a dream of mine. When I found out my school was doing 'Grease', I watched the film about 5 times and practiced all of Sandy's songs before the auditions.

What are your top tips for preparing for a production? Any secrets to remembering your lines?

I think saying my lines in character helps so much. It's easier to phrase and figure out how 'Sandy' would say and act if I become the character. One of the best things to do to prepare for a production is research! I watched heaps of 'Grease' performances, researched outfits and stories just to get into the character!

What are the key lessons you've learnt working towards the big opening night?

My key lessons are: Don't stress over small things, always have confidence in yourself and support the rest of your cast... Teamwork has been a huge part of 'Grease' and I've gained some great friends along the way.  

We want to come down and see you play Sandy in Grease. How do we get tickets?

Tickets are available through Try Booking. Opening night is Thursday the 17th - 7pm, followed by Friday the 18th - 7pm, Saturday the 19th - 12pm and 7pm.  I'd love to see you all there!



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